Program: sezon iarna L - D 10:00 - 18:00; sezon iarna L - D 11:00 - 17:30
Intrare: Adulti 20 lei; Copii 15 lei ( grupuri minim 10 pers.-Adulti 15 lei; Copii 10 lei)
Tel: 0768 636 823
Hunedoara - Str. Closca, Nr.2
Ma numesc Romica Birsan, sunt din Hunedoara si imi face o deosebita placere sa va relatez traseul parcurs pana la realizarea "Expozitiei Comunismului" (Pasii Romaniei prin socialism si democratie).
Dupa evenimentele din 1989, la care am participat efectiv, fara a avea pretentia la un "Certificat de revolutionar", adolescent fiind si fara sa am un viitor prea bine conturat, am luat hotararea sa parasesc meleagurile natale si sa imi caut un rost in viata intr-o alta tara. Am ales Germania. Nu a fost deloc usor, nestiind limba, neavand cunoscuti, relatii, prieteni, eram pe cont propriu. In timp, am reusit sa ma integrez in sistem si chiar sa am o anumita perspectiva de viitor. Anii urmatori mi-au oferit posibilitatea sa calatoresc in toata lumea, sa cunosc oameni, civilizatii si culturi de care pana atunci nici nu auzisem.
Intr-o vizita in Italia, intamplator, am asistat la o discutie mai aprinsa, avand ca subiect perioada comunista din Romania. Intorcandu-ma in tara, am inceput sa ma documentez studiind documente din acea perioada, publicatii, vizitand arhive, luand legatura cu oameni care au avut o anumita influenta in diferite domenii: politica, istorie, economie, armata, militie, invatamant.
Asa mi-a venit ideea si asa s-a nascut "Muzeul comunismului" din Hunedoara sau expozitia "Pasii Romaniei prin socialism si democratie". In expozitie puteti vedea portrete, colaje si fotografii inedite cu Nicolae Ceausescu, carti si documente din acea perioada, publicatii de cultura generala, uniforme (militare, militie, CFR), planse si machete, signalistica, obiecte de uz casnic, jucarii, afise, materiale si rechizite scolare, materiale decorative si multe alte exponate. Toate sunt originale si din perioada denumita "Epoca de aur"
Va asteptam cu drag!
My name is Romica Birsan, I am from Hunedoara and it is a great pleasure for me to tell you the route taken to the realization of the "Museum of Communism" (Romania's steps through socialism and democracy).
After the events of 1989, in which I actually participated, without claiming to a "Revolutionary Certificate", being a teenager and without having a very well-defined future, I decided to leave my native lands and look for a purpose in my life in another country. I chose Germany. It was not easy at all, not knowing the language, not having acquaintances, relationships, friends, I was on my own. Over time, I managed to integrate into the system and even have a certain perspective for the future. The following years gave me the opportunity to travel all over the world, to meet people, civilizations and cultures that until then I had not even heard of.
On a visit to Italy, incidentally, I witnessed a more heated discussion, having as a topic the communist period in Romania. Returning to the country, I began to research myself studying documents from that period, publications, visiting archives, contacting people who had a certain influence in different fields: politics, history, economics, army, militia, education.
That's how I came up with the idea and that's how the "Museum of Communism" in Hunedoara or the exhibition "Romania's Steps through Socialism and Democracy" was born. In the exhibition you can see unique portraits, collages and photographs of Nicolae Ceausescu, books and documents from that period, publications of general culture, uniforms (military, militia, CFR), drawings and models, signage, household objects, toys, posters, school materials and school supplies, decorative materials and many other exhibits. They are all original and from the period called the "Golden Age"
We are waiting for you!