Sursa: Primaria Hunedoara

Atestata documentar la 1265 sub numele Hungnod, conform registrului de dijme papale, Hunedoara va cunoaste o dezvoltare impetuoasa si va juca un rol important în istoria României. Vechimea acestei asezari ce a luat nastere la poalele dealului Sanpetru la confluenta raurilor Cerna si Zlasti, este mult mai adanca in negurile timpului decat atestarea documentara. Arheologii au descoperit atat in vatra orasului cat si in satele din imprejurimi de unde isi trage seva, urme de locuire, datand din epoca pietrei. De asemenea pe Dealul Sanpetrului dainuiesc intr-o deplina succesiune urme materiale din epoca bronzului si a fierului. Au fost gasite pe terasele din jurul cetatii un depozit, mai mult de o tona de lupe mari de fier si un atelier metalurgic comportand opt cuptoare din vremea daco-getilor. In actualul areal de locuire al hunedorenilor s-au descoperit tezaure monetare din vremea dacilor cunoscute sub denumirea "de tip Hunedoara", precum si monede romane de tip republican sau imperial cuprinzand o perioada de timp indelungata (183 i.Hr.-sec III. d.Hr.) ceea ce dovedeste puternice contacte economice si nu numai, intre doua civilizatii, una a "cetatii eterne Roma" si alta plamadita de nemuritorii antichitatii daco-getice.
In urma cuceririi Daciei de catre Imperiul Roman, zona Hunedoarei a atras atentia lumii romane prin bogatiile sale, în special fierul. Acest fapt e ilustrat de urmele descoperite la Teliuc, o "villa rustica", pe dealul Sânpetru era un castru roman în care se instaleaza un post de paza a Legiunii a XIII-a Gemina. Urme s-au mai descoperit langa Castel si langa gara. De asemenea vestigii din aceasta epoca exista si in satele Cincis, Pestisul Mare unde era un vicus (sat roman), Manerau, Nandru, Ghelari etc.
In 1409, la 18 octombrie, regele Ungariei Sigismund de Luxemburg daruieste si innobileaza pentru faptele militare deosebite pe cneazul Voicu din Cincis, fiul lui Serb. In acelasi document pomeneste si pe alti membrii ai familiei ca stapanitori ai cetatii si domeniului regal Hunedoara. Este vorba de Mogos si Radu, Iancu, fiul lui Voicu. Din acest moment, cetatea Hunedoara cunoaste o noua etapa a dezvoltarii sale. Iancu a amenajat cetatea pentru locuit, a construit sala cavalerilor si sala dietei in stil neogotic infrumusetat de logiile exterioare ale acestei sali. De asemenea s-a construit aripa si turnul "ne boisa"(nu te teme) un eventual loc de refugiu in caz de primejdie.
Dupa moartea lui Iancu de Hunedoara la 11 august 1456 la Zemun, langa Belgrad, in Ungaria au loc lupte interne pentru tron in care sunt implicati si succesorii eroului din Hunedoara, lupte care dau castig de cauza fiului lui Iancu, Matei Corvin, care devine rege al Ungariei medievale. In acest rastimp, sotia lui Iancu, Elisabeta si fiul lor Matei vor continua lucrarile de modernizare; in aripa Matei, se picteaza fresca murala ce sugereaza originea romanesca a lui Iancu. Secolul XVII marcheaza noi lucrari la castel legate in mare parte de numele principelui Gabriel Bethlem. Se construieste aripa Bethlem (1622) asa cum o demonstreaza si o inscriptie descoperita pe ancadramentul unei ferestre.
In timpul Corvinilor, Hunedoara devine targ (= opidum) al fierului, metal pe care padurenii il valorifica pentru alte produse, avand valoarea de moneda. Avantajul economic din aceasta epoca al domeniului si orasului Hunedoara se va mentine si in secolele urmatoare. Orasul va ajunge in secolul XVII la o stare prospera, locuitorii sai fiind scutiti de dari fata de stat. Au beneficiat de privilegii inca din vremea regelui Matei Corvin, care in 1480 ii scuteste pe Hunedoareni de plata oricaror dari, scutiti care se pastreaza si in secolele urmatoare. Ca urmare creste numarul locuitorilor care variaza intre 784 in 1512 si 896 in secolul al XVII.
Dupa moartea lui Matei Corvin, Hunedoara intra in stapanirea fiului acestuia Ioan, care se stinge de tanar. Sotia sa Beatrice de Frangepan, se va reacastori cu Georg de Hohenzolern, marchiz de Brandenburg in 1509. Georg de Brandenburg nu se va stabili in Hunedoara. El va numi un castelan cu drept de reprezentare, pe Gheorghe Stolcz.
In 1514 a izbucnit rascoala taraneasca ce a fost condusa de Gh. Doja. Cu acest prilej, multi tarani de pe domeniul Hunedoarei au fost inchisi in cetate drept pedeapsa. Cu sprijinul nobilimii, Ioan Zapolya va inabusi rascoala.
Sfârsitul sec. XVIII, precum ÅŸi secolele XIX si XX, marcheza probleme noi, legate de constiinta de neam, de spiritualitate. Aici s-a dezvoltat o spiritualitate romaneasca autentica. In numeroasele biserici sau manastiri ortodoxe ca cele de la Cerna, Plosca, Prislop, Cincis, Nadastie, Manerau, Zlasti si altele au fost scoli de dascali, numerosi cnezi romani indeplinind functia de preoti si dieci. Din pacate nu cunoastem cu exactitate vechimea acestor locase de lumina.
Dupa al doilea razboi mondial, conform conceptiei vremii, industria hunedoareana a cunoscut o dezvoltare fara precedent. In preajma revolutiei din 1989, in Hunedoara, se produceau peste 3 mil. tone de otel, peste 2 mil. tone cocs metalurgic, incaltaminte, tricotaje etc. Aceasta dezvoltare a atras forta de munca. Populatia orasului a ajuns la un maximum de 89.000 locuitori. Ca urmare s-a dezvoltat spatiul de locuit, si s-au construit noi asezaminte de invatamant, sanatate sau cultura. S-au construit 12 scoli generale, 5 licee, un spital modern, un institut de invatamant superior, doua stadioane, o sala de sport, piscina, iar dupa 1989 s-a construit o popicarie moderna, capabila sa adaposteasca mari concursuri internationale. Conducerea supracentralizata, ineficienta cronica si sugrumarea oricarei urme de libera initiativa au provocat insa incepand din anii '80 degradarea economiei. Din cauza saraciei tot mai accentuate, a lipsei de libertate si a opresiunii s-au creat tensiuni sociale si nemultumiri ce au explodat in decembrie 1989.
Documentary attested in 1265 under the name Hungnod, according to the register of papal dijme, Hunedoara will experience an impetuous development and will play an important role in the history of Romania. The age of this settlement that was born at the foot of the Sanpetru hill at the confluence of the Rivers Cerna and Zlasti, is much deeper in the mists of time than the documentary attestation. Archaeologists have discovered both in the hearth of the city and in the surrounding villages from where they draw their sap, traces of habitation, dating from the Stone Age. Also on the Sanpetrului Hill there are in a complete succession material traces from the Bronze and Iron Ages. There were found on the terraces around the fortress a warehouse, more than a ton of large iron magnifying glasses and a metallurgical workshop carrying eight furnaces from the daco-Getae times. In the current area of habitation of hunedoreni there were discovered monetary treasures from the Dacian times known as "Hunedoara type", as well as Roman coins of republican or imperial type comprising a long period of time (183 BC-III century d.Hr.) which proves strong economic contacts and not only, between two civilizations, one of the "eternal city of Rome" and another plamadited by the immortals of Daco-Getic antiquity.
Following the conquest of Dacia by the Roman Empire, hunedoara area attracted the attention of the Roman world through its riches, especially iron. This fact is illustrated by the traces discovered at Teliuc, a "villa rustica", on sânpetru hill was a Roman castrum in which is installed a guard post of legion XIII Gemina. Traces were also discovered near the Castle and near the train station. Also the vestiges of this era exist in the villages cincis, Pestisul Mare where there was a vicus (Roman village), Manerau, Nandru, Ghelari etc.
In 1409, on October 18th, the Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxembourg gives and ennobles for special military deeds Prince Voicu of Cincis, son of Serb. In the same document he mentions other members of the family as rulers of the fortress and the royal domain of Hunedoara. It's about Mogos and Radu, the brothers... and Iancu, voicu's son. From this moment on, hunedoara fortress knows a new stage of its development. Iancu arranged the fortress for living, built the knights' hall and the diet hall in the Neo-Gothic style embellished by the exterior loggias of this hall. Also, the wing and the tower "ne boisa" (do not be afraid) were built an eventual place of refuge in case of danger.
After the death of Iancu de Hunedoara on August 11, 1456 at Zemun, near Belgrade, in Hungary, there are internal battles for the throne involving the successors of the hero from Hunedoara, fights that give victory to Iancu's son, Matei Corvin, who becomes king of medieval Hungary. During this time, Iancu's wife, Elisabeta and their son Matei will continue the modernization works; In the Matei wing, the mural fresco is painted that suggests Iancu's Romanian origin. The seventeenth century marks new works at the castle related mostly to the name of Prince Gabriel Bethlem. The Bethlem wing (1622) is built, as demonstrated by an inscription discovered on the frame of a window.
During corvinilor, Hunedoara becomes a fair (= opidum) of iron, a metal that the foresters capitalize for other products, having the value of currency. The economic advantage of this era of hunedoara domain and city will be maintained in the following centuries. The city will reach in the seventeenth century a prosperous state, its inhabitants being exempted from gifts to the state. They have benefited from privileges since the time of King Matthias Corvinus, who in 1480 exempts Hunedoareni from the payment of any gifts, exempts that are preserved in the following centuries. As a result, the number of inhabitants increases, which varies between 784 in 1512 and 896 in the seventeenth century.
After the death of Matei Corvinus, Hunedoara enters the dominion of his son John, who dies young. His wife, Beatrice de Frangepan, would remarry Georg of Hohenzolern, Marquis of Brandenburg in 1509. Georg of Brandenburg will not settle in Hunedoara. He will appoint a castellan with the right of representation, Gheorghe Stolcz.
In 1514, the peasant uprising broke out, which was led by Gh. Doja. On this occasion, many peasants from the Hunedoara domain were imprisoned in the fortress as punishment. With the support of the nobility, John Zapolya will quell the uprising.
The end of the XVIII century, as well as the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, mark new problems, related to the consciousness of the nation, to spirituality. Here was developed an authentic Romanian spirituality. In the many Orthodox churches or monasteries such as those of Cerna, Plosca, Prislop, Cincis, Nadastie, Manerau, Zlasti and others were schools of teachers, many Romanian princes fulfilling the function of priests and dioceses. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly the age of these places of light.
After the Second World War, according to the conception of the time, the Hunedoarean industry experienced an unprecedented development. Around r