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Program:  sezon iarna L - D   10:00 - 18:00; sezon iarna L - D  11:00 - 17:30

Intrare: Adulti 15 lei; Copii 10 lei ( grupuri minim 10 pers.-Adulti 10 lei; Copii 5 lei)

Tel: 0768 636 823

Hunedoara - Piata Iancu de Hunedoara, Nr.3A (deocamdata suntem inchisi 

pentru renovare / relocare - revenim la program normal in aprilie 2025)


Sunt Romica Birsan si va invit sa facem o incursiune prin "Expozitia colectiilor" al carei fondator sunt.

Am alocat o mare parte din timpul meu, calatorind prin lume, pentru a reusi sa colectionez aceste exponate minunate care sa trezeasca nostalgia celor mai in varsta si interesul noilor generatii. A fost nevoie de multa pasiune, devotament, rabdare, perseveranta si uneori chiar mult stres. Dar, de felul meu, sunt un om curajos, ambitios si nu mi-am pierdut niciodata incredera ca voi realiza ceea ce mi-am propus.


In expozitie veti putea vedea fascinanta lume a jucariilor, unele mai vechi, care ne-au colorat copilaria unora dintre noi, altele mai recente, care starnesc interesul si bucuria generatiilor actuale. Masinute, papusi, animalute, personaje din desene animate sau basme, o colectie de papusi "Barbie", jocuri Lego, diapozitive, diafilme, reviste pentru copii, toate expuse intr-un decor de poveste. Mai departe veti putea vedea o sectiune cu ilustrate pe care o veti simti ca o calatorie prin frumusetile tarii noastre, localitati, statiuni, peisaje mirifice, monumente istorice si de cultura, clasoare cu timbre filatelice, acestea avand menirea de a largi orizontul de cunoastere a tinerei generatii si de a resimti nostalgia parintilor si chiar a bunicilor. 

In expozitie veti mai putea vedea o colectie de ziare, gazete, reviste, almanahuri, publicatii din domenii diverse, editate in perioada de dinainte de Revolutie. Tot aici veti avea ocazia sa vedeti o impresionanta colectie de carduri si cartele de pe intreg mapamondul.

Am convingerea ca v-am starnit interesul pentru a trece in programul calatoriilor dumneavoastra prin tara si aceasta locatie.

I am Romica Birsan and I invite you to make a foray through the "Collection Exhibition" of which I am the founder.


I spent a great deal of my time, traveling the world, to be able to collect these wonderful exhibits that would arouse the nostalgia of the older ones and the interest of the new generations. It took a lot of passion, devotion, patience, perseverance and sometimes even a lot of stress. But, of my own kind, I am a brave, ambitious man and I have never lost my confidence that I will achieve what I set out to do.



In the exhibition you will be able to see the fascinating world of toys, some older, which have colored the childhood of some of us, others more recent, which arouse the interest and joy of the current generations. Cars, dolls, animals, cartoon characters or fairy tales, a collection of dolls "Barbie", Lego games, slides, diafilms, children's magazines, all exhibited in a fairytale setting. Further on you will be able to see a section with illustrations that you will feel as a journey through the beauties of our country, localities, resorts, wonderful landscapes, historical and cultural monuments, binders with philatelic stamps, which are meant to broaden the horizon of knowledge of the young generation and to feel the nostalgia of parents and even grandparents.


In the exhibition you will also be able to see a collection of newspapers, newspapers, magazines, almanacs, publications from various fields, edited in the period before the Revolution. Here you will also have the opportunity to see an impressive collection of cards and cards from all over the world.


I am convinced that I have aroused your interest in going through the program of your travels through the country and this location.


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© 2035 - MUZEE HUNEDOARA by Romica Birsan

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