Program: sezon iarna L - D 10:00 - 18:00; sezon iarna L - D 11:00 - 17:30
Intrare: Adulti 15 lei; Copii 10 lei ( grupuri minim 10 pers.-Adulti 10 lei; Copii 5 lei)
Tel: 0768 636 823 curand
Ma numesc Romica Birsan si sunt fondatorul expozitiei.
De mic copil am fost atras de bancnote. Am fost impresionat de calitatea hartiei, de acuratetea cu care au fost realizate aceste opere de arta. Le pot numi asa fiindca intr-adevar sunt niste opere de arta, sunt tablouri in miniatura.
In calatoriile mele prin lume, am reusit sa colectionez o multitudine de bancnote apartinand diverselor tari, de pe toate continentele. Fiecare bancnota are povestea sa, facand abstractie de valoarea ei financiara. Portretele care sunt ilustrate pe bancnote reprezinta o anumita parte din istoria si cultura tarii respective. Filigramul este impecabil realizat si aproape imposibil de imitat. A fost nevoie de multa pasiune si rabdare pentru a studia fiecare bancnota in parte. Va asigur ca toate bancnotele expuse sunt autentice.
Nu pot face abstractie de la monedele care completeaza bancnotele. Colectionate din intreaga lume, unele monede sunt adevarate bijuterii. acei oameni care au creat bancnotele si monedele, idiferent de tara de provenienta, au fost adevarati artizani.
Inchei aici parcursul nostru prin numismatica si ne indreptam spre un alt domeniu, care face trimitere la istoria Romaniei.
Insigne, distinctii, medalii, ordine militare si civile, insemne de grad, insemne de arma din toate categoriile de forte armate, expuse pe panoplii, realizate impecabil de impatimiti ai colectiilor.
Va asigur ca sectiunea expozitiei de medalii si insigne va fi una benefica pentru largirea si imbogatirea orizontului dumneavoastra de cunostinte privind acea perioada din istoria Romaniei. Expozitia este deschisa pentru toate categoriile de varsta.
My name is Romica Birsan and I am the founder of the exhibition.
As a child I was attracted to banknotes. I was impressed by the quality of the paper, by the accuracy with which these works of art were made. I can call them that because they're really works of art, they're miniature paintings.
In my travels around the world, I managed to collect a multitude of banknotes belonging to various countries, from all continents. Each banknote has its own story, abstracting from its financial value. The portraits that are illustrated on the banknotes represent a certain part of the history and culture of the respective country. The filigram is impeccably made and almost impossible to imitate. It took a lot of passion and patience to study each banknote. I assure you that all the banknotes on display are authentic.
I can't abstract from the coins that fill out the banknotes. Collected from all over the world, some coins are real jewelry. those people who created the banknotes and coins, regardless of the country of origin, were real artisans.
We end here our journey through numismatics and we turn to another field, which refers to the history of Romania.
Badges, distinctions, medals, military and civil orders, grade insignia, gun insignia from all categories of armed forces, exhibited on panoply, impeccably made by aficionados of the collections.
I assure you that the section of the exhibition of medals and badges will be a beneficial one for broadening and enriching your horizon of knowledge regarding that period in Romania's history. The exhibition is open for all age categories.