
Hunedoara, orasul de pe Valea Cernei atestat documentar inca din anul 1265, este locul in care s-a dezvoltat, incepand cu secolul al XIX-lea, o spiritualitate romaneasca deosebita, cu numeroase biserici si manastiri ctitorite in aceasta perioada. Ioan de Hunedoara este considerat parintele Hunedoarei moderne, iar printre personalitatile sale se mai numara Matei Corvinul sau pictorul Nicolae Bikfalvi.
Pe langa muzeele si expozitiile listate pe mai puteti vizita urmatoarele obiective:
Castelul Corvinilor / Castelul Huniazilor / Castelul Hunedoarei, este unul dintre cele mai importante monumente de arhitectura gotica din Romania. Cladit in secolul al XV-lea de Ioan de Hunedoara, a fost una dintre cele mai importante proprietati de-ale sale. In jurul sau s-au creat numeroase legende, precum cea a corbului, a fantanii sau a construirii cetatii. Se afla pe strada Castelului nr. 1-3 (vezi harta) si poate fi vizitat zilnic intre orele 9-20 (program in timpul verii). Detalii suplimentare regasiti pe site-ul Castelului.
Biserica Ortodoxa “Sfantul Nicolae”, cea mai veche biserica din oras, zidita in anul 1458 pe locul unei biserici din lemn. Se afla in Piata Unirii, nr. 2
Biserica Sfantul Nicolae are pictura interioara murala datand din 1654.
Biserica Ortodoxa “Sfintii Imparati”, construita in stil bizantin in 1934, monument de arta. Se afla pe Strada Libertatii, nr. 18.
Biserica Ortodoxa “Schimbarea la Fata”, construita in secolul al XIX-lea. Se afla pe strada Popa Sapca nr. 35.
Biserica Catolica “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” (construita in 1910), se afla pe strada Revolutiei, nr. 5.
Gradina Zoologica Hunedoara, recent renovata, deschisa zilnic de la 10 la 18. Se afla pe Aleea Padurii, nr. 1.
Padurea Chizid, rezervatie naturala de 50 de hectare, aflata pe teritoriul municipiului Hunedoara.
Hunedoara, the city on the Cerna Valley documentary attested since 1265, is the place where a special Romanian spirituality has developed since the nineteenth century, with numerous churches and monasteries founded during this period. Ioan de Hunedoara is considered the father of modern Hunedoara, and among his personalities are also Matei Corvinul or the painter Nicolae Bikfalvi.
In addition to the museums and exhibitions listed on the you can also visit the following objectives:
Corvin Castle / Hunyad Castle / Hunedoara Castle, is one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture in Romania. Built in the fifteenth century by John Hunyadi, it was one of its most important properties. Around it were created many legends, such as that of the raven, the fountain or the construction of the fortress. It is located on strada Castelului nr. 1-3 (see map) and can be visited daily between 9-20 (program in summer). Further details can be found on the Castle's website.
Orthodox Church "St. Nicholas", the oldest church in the city, built in 1458 on the site of a wooden church. It is located in Unirii Square, nr. 2
St. Nicholas Church has the interior mural painting dating from 1654.
Orthodox Church "Holy Emperors", built in Byzantine style in 1934, art monument. It is located on Strada Libertatii, nr. 18.
Orthodox Church "Transfiguration", built in the nineteenth century. It is located on strada Popa Sapca nr. 35.
The Catholic Church "Assumption of the Virgin" (built in 1910), is located on Revolutiei Street, nr. 5.
Hunedoara Zoo, recently renovated, open daily from 10 to 18. It is located on Aleea Padurii, nr. 1.
Chizid Forest, a natural reservation of 50 hectares, located on the territory of Hunedoara municipality.